
"We've completed the task sir.. "

"Good, and what about the memory chip I asked for?"

"I've already ordered.. it was supposed to be delivered by now.."

taehyung pov~

"Hey taehyung look I think it's arrived.."

I turned around to see jimin holding a box of the item I've been waiting for..

"Jimin ? Did you check other functions? Are they working well?"

"Yes tae.. it's just your additional memory idea kept us awaiting otherwise all set.."


"Well, why do you exactly choose it to look just like you.. I mean you can make it look different.. or as me tho~"

I let out a chuckle after hearing my best friend and my partner's word.. looking between him and my work.. I smiled

"It's just .. it's my first work, and" I paused and glanced at him "You're not as handsome as me"

"Yah look I'm pretty hot too, btw let's test it shall we? "


"It's working well taehyung, now what do you think ? Should we try it to show it to our professor? Or you have other plans?" Jimin asked, I can see he's so happy about it.. i glance at every person who is involved in making this.. but showing it to the professor? I don't want to, come to think of it it won't benefit me, they'll appreciate my work, give certificates and then what..

"Nah i didn't want my work.. limited to college authorities."

"So? What to do now ?"

"First, i want to test it with a real human"

"Like us ? But we did just now.. "

"No like, someone who doesn't know about robotics and it's something new for them.. like a common person.." I paused to think and turned to see jimin trying to process what I said

"How about you find someone? As you're so well known around people.. especially girls I see" i smirked teasing him a bit.

"Just admit that I'm hotter than you duh.." he offered his cocky grin and kept his hands on my shoulder

"well I can do that, but it might take time.. as I've to find someone common and simple as you described" he said walking towards the exit, he was about to go when I stopped him

"Hey , make sure not to be obvious about this matter.. don't reveal this testing thing at all.. "

He showed his thumbs up sign not bothering to turn and left before I could say anything..


Processors.. done

Sensors.. done

Communication modules...done


Manipulators.. done

Locomotive features..done


Power source... Umm I think i should add external power sources too in case needed

I was in my lab.. checking my robot nth times before I can actually test with someone making sure it works well and more specifically don't harm my client.. whoever that gonna be, the clicking sound behind me made me leave a light chuckle as I know who's this..

"So did you find ? My client? "

"Obviously" he said jumping like a kid.. and I can't be happier than this.

"Who is it?"

"It's a girl , she's from other university, umm from the literature department, she lives alone and from the look I can say she's a loner.."

I widened my eyes.. just how he get those information about.. he did stalk her or what

"It's enough information I guess.. how do u find this much about her.."

"I've my ways" he said with a smirk plastering his lips as he moves towards the newly formed body beside me which have the same looks as me..

"don't you think we should give him a name ?"

"I didn't think about it yet, do you have something in your mind?"

"How about? .. Vante? You usually use this word to show your artworks and skills..And It Is Your artwork taehyung" he pat the head of the robot and smiled in joy feeling proud for the name he just gave to him

"Vante.. it's great.." I smiled with him

"But taehyung, I have a question.." he paused for a bit to see if I'm listening..

"how do we know if Vante is doing well.. I mean we can't stay with that girl right ?"

"Oh well as you can see.. it has sensors.. it not only can detect its outer environment but internal functions too.. and by signals we can keep an eye on him from our computer here.." I explained him with a grin and earning same from jimin.

"Well you haven't tell me the name of that girl.. "

"Oh it's... Y/n"

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